We will be re-opening our Education Agent application process around July / August.

Please check back then for information about our approved agents for the coming year.


Any Education Agents representing DOLPH Business School (DOLPH) are not authorised to receive payment or issue Confirmation of Enrolment (eCOE) documents. DOLPH will issue invoices for payment and payment is only to be made directly to DOLPH Business School bank account.

DOLPH will also issue eCOE documents when a student has accepted a place with us and is approved by DOLPH Business School. In the case of OFFSHORE student applications, students must complete the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) process before being confirmed and accepted as a student. Only then, the student must make the payment directly into the Bank account provided by DOLPH Business School. No Education Agent has the authority or capacity to collect fees. If you have any concerns (or have a positive feedback) about the conduct of any Education Agents who are or claim to are representing us, please contact us directly at admissions@dolph.edu.au. We strive to engage with the best agents who display ethical behaviours, to ensure that students get the right information and help. Download our info sheet – Safeguarding your Interest to make sure you are always protected when dealing with any Education Agent.

Click here for the List of Education Agents
