Tuition Fees    
Course Code Course CRICOS Code Course Future Intake Dates Duration Local Australian Students International Students ONSHORE International Students OFFSHORE Material Fees*
SIT30821 109873A Certificate III in Commercial Cookery 02-10-2023 52wks $10,000 $10,500 $12,000 $1,200
      26-02-2024 52wks $10,000 $10,500 $12,000 $1,200
      15-04-2024 52wks $10,000 $10,500 $12,000 $1,600
      08-07-2024 52wks $10,000 $10,500 $12,000 $1,600
      07-10-2024 52wks $10,000 $11,000 $12,000 $1,800
SIT40521 109548C Certificate IV in Kitchen Management 11-12-2023 32wks** $4,000 $4,400 $6,200 $600
      18-03-2024 32wks** $4,000 $4,400 $6,200 $600
      08-04-2024 32wks** $4,000 $4,400 $6,200 $600
      27-05-2024 32wks** $4,000 $4,400 $6,200 $600
      05-08-2024 32wks** $4,000 $4,400 $6,200 $600
      28-10-2024 32wks** $4,000 $4,400 $6,200 $800
      24-03-2025 32wks** $4,000 $4,400 $6,200 $800
      04-08-2025 32wks** $4,000 $4,400 $6,200 $800
      03-11-2025 32wks** $4,000 $4,400 $6,200 $800
SIT50422 114305B Diploma of Hospitality Management 22-01-2024 20wks** $2,500 $2,700 $3,800 $500
      15-04-2024 20wks** $2,500 $2,700 $3,800 $500
      17-06-2024 20wks** $2,500 $2,700 $3,800 $500
      04-11-2024 20wks** $2,500 $3,000 $4,000 $500
      20-01-2025 20wks** $2,500 $3,000 $4,000 $500
      03-03-2025 20wks** $2,500 $3,000 $4,000 $500
      25-05-2025 20wks** $2,500 $3,000 $4,000 $500
      01-12-2025 20wks** $2,500 $3,000 $4,000 $500
      13-04-2026 20wks** $2,500 $3,000 $4,000 $500
      20-07-2026 20wks** $2,500 $3,000 $4,000 $600
BSB50120 110133E Diploma of Business TBA 52wks $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $600
BSB50420 104346J Diploma of Leadership & Management TBA 52wks $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $600
CHC52021 114232C Diploma of Community Services 15-04-2024 104wks $18,000 $20,000 $22,000 $2,000
      08-07-2024 104wks $18,000 $20,000 $22,000 $2,000
      07-10-2024 104wks $18,000 $20,000 $22,000 $2,000
BSB80120 113168C Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning) 05-02-2024 104wks $18,000 $20,000 $22,000 $1,200
      07-08-2024 104wks $18,000 $20,000 $22,000 $1,200
      07-10-2024 104wks $18,000 $20,000 $22,000 $1,200
Other Fees & Charges Fees/Charges
Enrollment Fee (Application Fee) non-refundable $200
Materials Fee* – SIT30821 Cert III in Commercial Cookery $1,800
Materials Fee – SIT40521 Cert IV in Kitchen Management $800
Materials Fee – SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management $600
Materials Fee – BSB50120 Diploma of Business $600
Materials Fee – BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership & Management $600
Materials Fee - CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services $2,000
Materials Fee - BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning) $1,200
eCOE Amendment Fee $100
Unit Re-Enrolment Fee (each unit varies) $150 - $800
Unit Catch-Up and Assessment Fee depending on number of weeks per unit $150 - $450
Unit Assessment Re-Submission Fee $50
Late Payment of Tuition Fee (maximum of $100) $50 per week
Photocopying / Printing per page $0.10
Re-Issue of Certificate or Statement of Attainment $100

*Materials Fees for SIT30821:

For Cert III in Commercial Cookery Courses, the Study Resources including texts and workbooks for each unit of study including Work Based Training (WBT) Logbooks, whether in digital form or hard-copy; Full Knife Set and kitchen tools, and One Set of Uniform including Chef Jacket, Chef Cap and Chef Pants (Unisex), Chef neck kerchief, Apron and Safety Shoes, but excludes text books. 

Materials Fees for all other courses includes the following:

The Study Resources supplied to students including texts and workbooks for each unit either in hardcopy or digital formats or all of them in digital formats, keeping in line with the new digital technological changes in learning by students. Students are then able to access these resources through their online login credentials. 

**Students who have completed the Cert III in Commercial Cookery with DBS will then be awarded credit exemptions against the Cert IV in Kitchen Management as applicable. Eligible students can then complete the Cert IV in Kitchen Management within a period of 32 weeks. Students who have completed and hold a certificate or Statement of Attainment or able to prove that they have completed Cert III in Commercial Cookery from another education provider, could be granted credit exemptions towards Cert IV in Kitchen Management wherever applicable as per policies and procedures of DBS.  

***Students who have completed the Cert III in Commercial Cookery & Cert IV in Kitchen Management with DBS will then be awarded credit exemptions against Diploma of Hospitality Management. Eligible students can then complete the Diploma of Hospitality Management with DBS within a period of 20 weeks. Students who have completed Cert III in Commercial Cookery & Cert IV in Kitchen Management from other Education Providers shall be first assessed for their credit exemptions before starting Diploma of Hospitality Management as per policies and procedures of DBS.

All Courses has an Enrollment Fee (application fee) of $200 payable one-off at the time of Initial Deposit and is not refundable.

Time-Table - Classes for ALL courses for International Students are held face-face at the campuses for two days a week. The two days depends on each intake and availability of class-rooms or the Kitchen for Cert III in Commercial Cookery. The students must also have to complete a four hour (4hours) Self-Directed Study at home for which they would be monitored so as to complete their 20 hours of total learning per week as per mandate.

Students to contact the Student Support Officer for Term dates and Breaks for their courses at