Did you know that you may be able to claim a tax deduction for your course fees? If you enrol in a course before the 30th of June, and the course is sufficiently related to your employment, you may be able to claim the course and certain related costs as a self-education expense! Isn’t that handy?
Many of us don’t know this, but you may be able to claim certain expenses such as:
You will also need to satisfy the following tests to be entitled to a tax deduction:
How do you know if you are eligible for this deduction?
With the workplace environment being so competitive these days, it certainly helps if you have an edge over your colleagues. What better way than to arm yourself with knowledge? So many workers take advantage of this benefit to up skill, re-educate and re-skill themselves to ensure they remain relevant and maintain an advantage over their colleagues for a promotion. It has been reported in the ABS Survey of Education and Training that a majority of those between the ages of 25-64 who have participated in further training or formal study have done so to gain extra skills, get a different job, to gain a promotion, or to further their career.
June 30 is approaching quickly, so enrol today and keep a copy of your receipt to be able to make a tax deduction! Happy learning!
For more information on claiming a tax deduction for self-education expenses, visit the Australian Tax Office’s website here: https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Income-and-deductions/Deductions-you-can-claim/Self-education-expenses/
Please note. The information in this blog post is of a general advice only and is not intended to be financial or legal advice. You should obtain your own independent advice in relation to your eligibility for any tax deductions from your accountant or lawyer.